Saturday, February 17, 2007

Public Art

I sat down
on the barstool
fine day isn't it?

yeah... was the answer

shrug it off
old news there
a drink, yes bartender
give me a drink
yes that will work

quiet sips at my drink
look over at the stranger
and he is nursing a beer
down on your luck?

fuck you... well... maybe... what's it to ya?

oh nothing... just an observation
I meant no offense

yeah? well... who cares and who asked?

alright, fine
this is an interesting bar
here is some paper I think
I will draw it
not a bad way to spend an hour

what are you drawing?

you wanna know?
why do you care?

what is it?

fuck off

Friday, February 2, 2007

Growing Up

Growing up
in our house
you learned
to say
as little
as possible

you learned

you learned

at your own
human expense

growing up
in our house
you saw the ends
of all wrong

you learned

you learned

growing up was
an awkward time
but very educational
in the end

if you

with your soul

True Ignorance

He looked up, with that evil eye
"what the fuck are you talking about?"
Though he knew perfectly well
But there is no reasoning with some people

Resolute on the matter I simply said
"that is against the point"
"Bullshit", such eloquence
no reason could sway this defense

It was clear that this wouldn't be
Aristotle's argument
This was anger without difference

A thousand times malice sounds
A thousand times ignorance abounds

So I try even harder, to lay the terms
But even louder come negative words

Fight the world, fight it all
Beat your head on the endless wall

Young and Dumb

When I was young
we had rock fights

one side defending the tree fort
the other on attack

the projectile flew through the air
object known but with little care

on it went for hours on end
damn the intruder, this we must defend

till someone got hit
and blood was shed

all part of the game
the pain was all the same

till the grown ups got involved
go home or your parents will be called

so we scattered like roaches in the light
but all told it was a good night