Monday, January 1, 2007

Holiday Ramblings

Redneckistan, USA
January 1, 2007
Dear Jesus Christ man, this holiday stuff is beginning to annoy me. All the stupid materialisms and bullshit wrapping paper, tinsel, and all the other cardboard trappings. I tell you, its enough to make any man's , with two feet on the ground, head spin. Serious fear manifested. This year was probably the worst; not enough money to stay throughly drunk, various terrors of family gatherings spread over 3 days, bad food and bad vibes.

I think Rickey got it right in the Trailer Park Boys Christmas Special. To wit- "Christmas isn't about presents and all this other bullshit, its about getting drunk and stoned with your family and loved ones."

Fucking A right, of course. I think that is one of the things that seems so amiss this year: no getting drunk with the family, let alone the possibility of getting stoned. Shit, even when we both had booze my brother just locked himself in his room and played video games; as is his increasing want now days. In my opinion it would have been better times if we sat around getting drunk, smoking the hookah and watching comedy. Perhaps I am just a disillusioned pie in the sky motherfucker, but what can you do? Its a sad scene man, something that surely speaks the degradations of the traditional family holiday. I bet you back in 1500 people were more concerned with getting drunk and feasting than receiving gift cards from Ye Ol' Mutton Shoppe. Its in our blood, the tradition of it all. Seeing my niece react like a little plastic consumer was despicable; doling out her love and attention based solely on the price of the gift. Its sad to see the youth of tomorrow sliding into such a shallow grave. The best Christmas' I have had have been spent getting completely hammered on Christmas Eve, even though we had to get up in four hours after drinking heavily all night.

Sadly New Years this year has been no better. Given my limited liquor budget doesn't help much as well. All friends were out of town or unreachable, liquor stores were closed in this god forsaken state, and there wasn't much food in the pantry. Certainly the new year can only get better from here. But atleast its a holiday that centers around getting hammered and enjoying life, just unfortunate there is none of that in this tired little town. So here I am, sitting at the old computer listening to people call into Art Bell making all sorts of predictions. Gross madness from a wide cross section of the country. Dear Christ, can't these people hear themselves? All kinds of fear and terror being spouted by the masses. Doom and gloom and righteous indignation. Its heavy shit to have laid on you at this time of year and night. But fuck it, what can you do?

Enough of this off balanced rambling, hope all is well there. All the best to you in the new day and new year.

Citizen Parker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you perhaps be an ANUS?:
