Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Why I will never be part of "heartland" America

I went to eat lunch at the local diner today, to get out of the house for a bit and the like. It was a horrifying scene. As I sat there looking at the cheese and chest beating displays of patriotism in front of me, I simply thought it was stupid and pathetic. American flags, Jesus loves you lighted word messages, ceramic bald eagles on dear antlers, a "united we stand" banner; the whole nine yards of gross Americana, easy rhetoric for simple minds. That's when I spotted something that really pissed me off.

Just over my shoulder was another ceramic bald eagle but this one was perched atop a confederate flag. It gave me a bad shock, like seeing your fat and old neighbor walk out the door to get his morning paper, but he is only wearing his robe (open) and nothing else. The kind that sends shivers of revulsion and acute agony screaming up your spine and slamming into your brain; permanently scarring the tissue of ones psyche. I wanted to point out what an idiotic display it was, how it made no sense or how it was just such hypocrisy. Do they not understand that the United States actually fought a war with the Confederate States, and that that war left over half a million Americans dead? United we stand? A bald eagle, a symbol of the Union, proudly perched on the rebel saltire proudly displayed (and on sale for $30) amidst all the bullshit propaganda and Jesus Loves Me greetings. It was just too much for an innocent young man such as myself who just wanted a sandwich and some coffee.

I felt something must be said, someone should be made to understand. Like a rock thrown in the dark, the sad reality hit me. Looking around at the fattened and geriatric heard, the slack jawed employees praying for their shift to end, the sad reality was that they do not and would not ever understand such seemingly complex yet simple truisms. This is their reality. This is small town values. Patriotism, jesus, and the greatest symbol of hatred and intolerance this country has known, all rolled into one. Well fuck me, isn't this sweet. These are the kind of people who say gays and liberals are ruining this country. Gee-sonny-boy, they have convinced me that I am wrong. I should learn to live in fear, hate the unknown, and place my trust and faith in dogmatic axioms.

To prop these "god fearing" grassfuckers up as the moral core of this country is an insult to the rest of us us heathens with half a brain. No wonder we have problems. I would say god's mercy on those swine, but if he is on their side, I want nothing to do with him either.